Hyland'S No. 5 Kali Muriaticum 6X, 500 Tablets (Case of 2)
Hyland'S No. 5 Kali Muriaticum 6X, 500 Tablets (Case of 2)
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Relief of Colds, Sore Throats, and Runny Noses
Kali Mur. (Kali Muriaticum) specializes in helping the body clear congestions before white matures to yellow, saving energy and distress. As such, Kali Mur. is ideal for relief of colds, sore throats and runny noses that are accompanied by white discharges. Tablets are flavorless and dissolve immediately without water for no upset stomach.
One of the 12 Mineral Homeopathic Cell Salts*
Cell salts satisfy mineral imbalances in the body, stimulating the body’s natural healing process. When your body lacks these important cell salts, you are more vulnerable to common health concerns. By replenishing them, your body is better prepared to treat illnesses and enjoy better overall wellness. As potassium chloride has been found to be important for breaking down white mucus and discharge, the remedy version, Kali Mur., helps the body cleanse diverse symptoms where associated discharges are white.
Available in 6X potency; 500 or 1000 Tablets and 30X potency; 500 Tablets.
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