Crocus Mix - Package of 85 Dormant Bulbs

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  • Grows well in borders, lawns, under trees, among shrubs and in containers

  • Naturalizes well

  • First blooms of spring

  • Beneficial to pollinators; attracts bees

  • Easy to grow


The Crocus Mix - Package of 85 Dormant Bulbs are the earliest spring bulbs to flower and among the most favorite. The glossy, deeply cupped petals surround a vivid orange stamen. The cupped flowers are borne on short stems above grass-like leaves, and available in vibrant colors that are sure to pop in the dreary, late winter garden.

Plant them in rock gardens, among ground covers or anywhere you need to fend off the winter blues. Large flowering crocus are well known and are cherished for their early spring blooms. They are very popular for naturalizing. Large flowering crocus are hybrid varieties with larger flowers that emerge with the foliage.

Plant in the fall, before the first frost hardens the soil. Dig a hole to the required depth. Place bulb in hole, pointed side up. Cover with soil and water thoroughly. Mulch in extreme climates. For container planting, bury the bulb three times as deep as the bulb is wide. In zones 6 and below, you will need to protect your bulb containers. Place them near the foundation of the house or other structure.

In zones 3-5, place the container in an unheated garage or shed. After blooming, leave the bulbs in place so plants can clump or reseed. Divide only when containers or planting spaces become too crowded. Propagate in the fall by division after they have been chilled for four weeks in a moist medium. Dig, dry, clean and store in a dry, cool place at 40-50ºF to over winter in non-hardy zones.

Mass planting: when planting a large quantity of bulbs in one bed, excavate the entire area to recommended depth, work fertilizer into the bottom of the trench, set bulbs in place then cover bulbs all at once. Crocus can be easily grown in the lawn for a spring meadow effect. Delay mowing the lawn in spring until the foliage begins to die back. Best planted en masse to create a carpet of color. Combine with snowdrops and other early spring blooming flower bulbs for a splash of color late winter to early spring.


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