Anemone Blanda Mix - Package of 100 Dormant Bulbs

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  • Low maintenance and naturalizes well

  • Beneficial to pollinators; Attracts butterflies

  • Excellent for cut flowers

  • Grows well in containers, borders & rock gardens

  • Deer resistant


Anemone provide an excellent low ground cover. Plant bulbs close together for a drift of color. Anemone blanda is a spreading, tuberous-rooted perennial that produces charming, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. Anemone blanda creates an attractive groundcover with its delightful blooms and fern-like foliage. Foliage disappears soon after flowering. Best planted en mass in moist but well draining soil.

After flowering, allow foliage to remain so the plant can photosynthesize for next year’s flowers. Plant in the fall, before the first frost hardens the soil. Dig a hole to the required depth. Place bulb in hole, pointed side up. Cover with soil and water thoroughly. Mulch in extreme climates. For container planting, bury the bulb three times as deep as the bulb is wide. I

n zones 6 and below, you will need to protect your bulb containers. Place them near the foundation of the house or other structure. In zones 3-5, place the container in an unheated garage or shed. After blooming, leave the bulbs in place so plants can clump or reseed. Divide only when containers or planting spaces become too crowded. Propagate in the fall by division after they have been chilled for four weeks in a moist medium.

Anemone blanda is easy to grow and is the perfect companion for late blooming daffodils and tulips. For best results, plant in large groups of 17 corms per square foot for a colorful show in the spring garden.


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